1) What country was Charles Darwin from? a) France b) England c) Spain d) Scotland e) Ireland f) Germany 2) How long was Darwin's journey around the world? a) 1 year b) 2 years c) 3 years d) 4 years e) 5 years f) 6 years 3) Where did Darwin record his observations? a) on the wall of his boat b) inside his jacket c) in a secret notebook d) on his iPad e) on a tablecloth f) on a wooden box 4) What is the name of the islands that Darwin visited? a) the Galapagos Islands b) the Canary Islands c) in Philippine Islands d) the Shetland Islands e) the Aleutian Islands f) the Hawaiian Islands 5) What kind of animals did Darwin see? (pick 2) a) iguanas b) gorillas c) dolphins d) monkeys e) tortoises f) horses 6) What was the name of the ship that Darwin took on his journey around the world? a) the Corgi b) the Beagle c) the Labrador d) the Bulldog e) the Collie f) the Dalmatian 7) What did Darwin notice when he was on the Galapagos? a) There was a great difference between food that animals eat. b) There was a great difference in the type of water available on the islands. c) There was a great difference in the size of animals. d) There was a great difference animal poop. e) There was a great difference the type of people who lived on the islands. f) There was a great difference between species of different habitats. 8) Which animal did he notice were different on the Galapagos Islands versus the ones on Ecuador? a) parkettes b) finches c) condors d) parrots e) eagles f) pigeons 9) What specifically about the finches did Darwin notice that were different? a) their feet b) their wings c) their feathers d) their beaks e) their eyes f) their tails 10) What did Darwin call his theory that an animal's features help them best survive in their environment? a) Natural Species b) Natural Superstition c) Natural Selection d) Natural Convenience e) Natural Process f) Natural Experiment 11) Darwin said that living things had changed slowly over time to form the millions of different species we see today. What is this called? a) exasperation b) evaluation c) execution d) exclamation e) evolution f) evacuation 12) What was the first living thing on Earth? a) a single cell organism b) a virus c) a molecule d) an ant e) a cockroach f) a tadpole 13) What do scientists say dinosaurs had? a) fire-breathing abilities b) plants c) gills d) 5 stomachs e) computers f) feathers 14) What is a common trait of mammals? a) 1 limb b) 2 limbs c) 3 limbs d) 4 limbs e) 5 limbs f) 6 limbs

Charles Darwin




