1) The MAIN purpose of the interview is to: a) share working experience. b) ask questions about the job. c) get a job offer. d) discuss your interests. 2) When should you arrive to your interview? a) Right on time b) A day before the interview c) At least 30 minutes early d) After the interview has started 3) What is one thing that you should NOT do during the first interview? a) Build good rapport with the interviewer. b) Tell the interviewer why you are a good fit for the company. c) Ask questions if you have any queries about the job. d) Ask about salary. 4) Choose the best answer for this question “Why do you want this job?” a) I have admired this company’s successful strategies and mission for years. b) In one month, I can help my group to achieve 25% of monthly sales target. c) I’m personally drawn to this company. d) I like this job. 5) How ONE of the appearances is not suitable during job interview session? a) Men would look presentable in tailored pants or trousers. b) Excessive accessories and make-up for the women. c) Formal clothing with a tie and jacket. d) Maintain a clean shaven or trimmed look. 6) How can an interviewee succeed in his/ her job interview? a) Over-confidence and speaks beyond required. b) Non-precise answers and stumbling. c) Lack of preparation before the interview begins. d) Precise answers and effective body language. 7) Which of these are extremely important during a job interview? a) Eye contact b) Your qualifications c) Your attire d) All of the above 8) Choose the best answer for this question “What is your greatest weakness?” a) I am an expert, so I can deal with everything. b) I've learned to make my perfectionism work to my advantage. c) I have no weaknesses. d) I can’t work under pressure. 9) Choose the best answer for this question ” Why have you left your job?” a) My boss is too fierce. b) The environment in my office is toxic. I can't work well with my colleague. c) My current job puts a lot of focus on individual achievements, but I'm really looking forward to working in a collaborative environment. d) My salary is too low. 10) Choose the best answer for this question “What is your greatest strength?” a) My look. b) I known every secret in my previous company. c) I am a perfectionist so I can do work perfectly. d) I am a fast learner and look forward to learn new things.




