be in two minds - to be unable to decide about something, let your hair down - to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself, break the ice - to make people who have not met before feel more relaxed with each other, travel light - to bring very few things with you when you go somewhere, learn (smth) by heart - to memorize something, go window shopping - the activity of spending time looking at the goods on sale in shop windows without buying any of them, to be in hot water - to be in trouble, put my foot in it - say something wrong and foolish, work against the clock - have limited amount of time, run out of time - when something is finishing, keep an eye on somebody - look after, it's a piece of cake - easy, to be a dark horse - a person who nobody knows, get out of the rat race - leave your job or life where you are always in a hurry,

SpeakOut Intermediate| Unit 3.2| Idioms




