1) He …. work in the evening. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 2) We …. go shopping. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 3) My friends …. get up early. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 4) Mandy …. read the comic books. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 5) You ….. do the project. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 6) I …. study for the test. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 7) They …. carry the buckets. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 8) She …. wash my clothes. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 9) Mom …. make sandwiches. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to 10) Frank and Joe …. go to soccer practice every day. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) don’t has to

4 Spotlight 4b - have/has to ?




