1) In the physiology of hearing, which action is it that generates an action potential that causes release of a neurotransmitter substance? a) movement of cells in the basilar membrane against the spiral organ b) movement of the spiral organ hair cells against the rectorial membrane c) movement of the membrane covering the round window d) pressure waves on cells of the vestibular membrane 2) The Semicircular canals of ear contains receptors for a) Smell. b) Hearing. c) Equilibrium. d) Vision. 3) Organ of hearing “ear”, is supplied by a) cranial nerve VIII b) cranial nerve XI c) cranial nerve VI d) cranial nerve VII 4) The eardrum is a thin, semi transparent part present in between the external auditory canal and  a) Canal of schlemm. b) Ear Pinna. c) Internal Ear. d) Middle ear. 5) The external auditory canal is a curved tube about ___________ long. a) 2.5 cm. b) 3.5 cm. c) 2.5 mm. d) 3.5 mm. 6) Head of Malleus articulates with a) Eardrum. b) Incus. c) Cochlea. d) Stapes. 7) The anterior wall of the middle ear contains an opening that directly connects with the nasopharynx called the a) Canal of schlemm b) External Acoustic Meatus. c) Eustachian tube. d) Cochlea. 8) The two sac-like structures of the inner ear called the utricle and saccule a) contain a fluid called perilymph b) are part of the membranous labyrinth within the vestibule c) form the connection between the semicircular canals and the vestibule d) function as part of the auditory system 9) Middle ear infection may follow a throat infection because a) the auditory (Eustachian) tube opens into the base of the inner ear b) the pharyngeal (throat) mucosa is continuous with the mucosa of the middle ear c) . the sphenoid sinus opens into the tympanic cavity of the middle ear d) the vestibulocochlear nerve passes through the tympanic cavity 10) The base of the stapes fits into the a) Oval window. b) Tympanic membrane. c) Round window. d) Eustachian tube.




