1) 41. What did the man do this morning? a) Submitted a document  b) Read some articles  c) Organized a workshop  d) Made some phone calls 2) 42. What does the woman ask the man to do? a) Update an office policy  b) Ask a manager for approval  c) Postpone a gathering  d) Write a press release 3) 43. Why is the man leaving the office? a) To take a vacation  b) To see a doctor  c) To meet with a client  d) To visit a branch office 4) 44. Why is the woman calling? a) To discuss a complaint  b) To provide some feedback  c) To ask for a payment  d) To confirm an order 5) 45. What does the man remind the woman to do? a) Apply a discount code  b) Include a company logo  c) Pack items carefully  d) Modify a color choice 6) 46. What does the woman say she will do? a) Call a customer  b) Demonstrate a product  c) Send an e-mail  d) Print an invoice 7) 47. According to the woman, what is taking place today? a) A music festival  b) An academic conference  c) A fund-raising banquet  d) An award ceremony 8) 48. Why does the man say, "Our hotel partners with a taxi company"? a) To announce a change  b) To accept an offer  c) To make a suggestion  d) To correct a misunderstanding 9) 49. What will the woman probably do next? a) Wait near an entrance  b) Return to a room  c) Contact a business d) Evaluate a report 10) 50. What will probably take place on Thursday? a) A staff orientation  b) A grand opening  c) A charity event  d) A retirement party 11) 51. What is the woman worried about? a) Following a policy  b) Finding a place  c) Exceeding a budget  d) Handling a complaint 12) 52. What does Arnold inquire about? a) A wrapping service  b) A business card  c) A discount  d) A receipt 13) 53. Where does the man work? a) At a furniture store  b) At a software company  c) At a marketing firm  d) At a manufacturing plant 14) 54. Why does the woman say, "I chose the express option"? a) To make a request  b) To reject a claim  c) To point out a problem  d) To indicate a preference 15) What will the woman most likely receive? a) A partial refund  b) A gift card  c) A free upgrade  d) A product catalog 16) 56. Who most likely is the man? a) A waiter  b) A chef  c) A teacher d) An architect 17) 57. What problem is mentioned? a) Some ingredients are out of stock.  b) A diner was not served a meal.  c) Some food was not prepared well.  d) A bill is not accurate. 18) 58. What does the woman tell the man to do? a) Clear a table  b) Promote a business  c) Ask a coworker for help  d) Provide a free item 19) 59. Why is the woman calling the man? a) To ask about a promotion  b) To get directions  c) To discuss a new project  d) To report a cancellation 20) 60. What did the man check on this morning? a) A client complaint  b) An appointment time  c) A property price  d) An event location 21) 61. What will the man probably do next? a) Read through some information  b) Go to another location  c) Listen to a voice mail  d) Set up some equipment 22) 62. What problem does the woman mention? a) She lost her receipt.  b) She arrived later than expected.  c) She did not make a reservation.  d) She cannot find her credit card. 23) 63. Look at the graphic. Which option does the man recommend? a) Option 1  b) Option 2  c) Option 3  d) Option 4 24) 64. What does the woman want to pay extra for? a) Hotel pickup  b) Vehicle repair  c) A navigation system  d) An insurance 25) 65. What problem is mentioned? a) A bill has not been paid.  b) An order is incorrect.  c) A store has to close early.  d) A shipment did not arrive. 26) 66. What does the man offer to do? a) Provide some product samples  b) Extend a due date  c) Return to a storage facility  d) Arrange a discount 27) 67. Look at the graphic. Where does the woman work? a) Gibbs Market  b) Star Gas Station  c) Black Bird Café  d) Weston Groceries 28) 68. What did the man make this morning? a) Manuals  b) Questionnaires  c) Invitations  d) Nametags 29) 69. What does the woman suggest? a) Delaying a task  b) Expanding an event  c) Preparing a contract  d) Downloading a file 30) 70. Look at the graphic. Where does the man want to place a registration button? a) Spot 1  b) Spot 2  c) Spot 3  d) Spot 4 31) 71. What is being advertised? a) A clothing store  b) A fitness center  c) An grocery shop  d) A sports competition 32) 72. What is mentioned about personal trainers? a) They work in the evenings.  b) They changed a schedule.  c) They canceled some sessions.  d) They demonstrate some exercises. 33) 73. What can new members receive for free? a) A monthly pass  b) A water bottle  c) A pair of socks  d) A T-shirt 34) 74. Who is the speaker? a) A curator  b) An artist  c) A travel agent  d) A security guard 35) 75. What does the speaker mean when she says, "you have many images of native Australian communities"? a) She wants the listener to take pictures of something else.  b) She would like to purchase one of the images.  c) She thinks the listener's work is suitable.  d) She expects a show to be expanded. 36) 76. What did the speaker recently do? a) She organized a display.  b) She contacted a buyer.  c) She sold some artwork.  d) She traveled overseas. 37) 77. Who is Marcia Gray? a) An actress  b) A dancer  c) A musician  d) An athlete 38) 78. Why is Ms. Gray known worldwide? a) She received numerous awards.  b) She has given many performances.  c) She has been on a TV show.  d) She has written a popular song. 39) 79. According to the speaker, what does Ms. Gray hope to do? a) Release a book  b) Invest in a company  c) Educate some young people  d) Raise some funds 40) Who is the speaker? a) An advisor  b) A company president  c) A receptionist  d) A department manager 41) 81. According to the speaker, what is impressive about the listener? a) He is honest.  b) He has good communication skills.  c) He is a hard worker.  d) He has a lot of work experience. 42) 82. What is included in an e-mail? a) A company introduction  b) Position details  c) Meeting times  d) A delivery address 43) 83. Where most likely is the speaker? a) At a shopping center  b) At a city hall  c) At a public park  d) At a television studio 44) What has the government asked citizens to do? a) Go to a hospital  b) Watch a program  c) Turn off some electronics  d) Stay inside 45) 85. Why does the speaker say, "it will probably last a short amount of time"? a) To offer reassurance  b) To request help  c) To express disappointment  d) To finalize a plan 46) 86. Who are the listeners? a) Retail salespeople  b) Shoe designers  c) Truck drivers  d) Assembly line workers 47) 87. What problem is mentioned? a) Some equipment is causing injuries.  b) A safety procedure is outdated.  c) A deadline cannot be changed.4 d) A client has increased some orders. 48) 88. What are the listeners asked to do? a) Take short breaks  b) Work additional hours  c) Wear protective gear  d) Review a handbook 49) 89. What does the company plan to do? a) Release a program  b) Revise training materials  c) Conduct some trials  d) Process job applications 50) 90. What does the speaker say about Howard? a) He was recently hired.  b) He will lead a team.  c) He will create a timetable. d) He was an intern before. 51) 91. What does the speaker mean when she says, "they'll be trained over the next two weeks"? a) Assistance will not be immediately available.  b) Company policies were updated.  c) A meeting is going to be postponed. d) A venue is not prepared to be used. 52) 92. Why must a flight be rescheduled? a) A vacation was called off.  b) A conference has been extended.  c) The weather caused a delay.  d) A flight is overbooked. 53) 93. According to the speaker, what has been changed? a) Seat assignment  b) Gate number  c) Departure time  d) Destination 54) 94. What does the speaker recommend? a) Arriving at an airport early  b) Leaving a review online  c) Printing a pass in advance  d) Comparing rates of competitors 55) 95. Look at the graphic. Where will the company's new office be located? a) In Building A  b) In Building B  c) In Building C  d) In Building D 56) 96. What are the listeners asked to do tomorrow morning? a) Set up some furniture  b) Get an identification card  c) Contact a manager  d) Move some equipment 57) 97. What will the listeners receive later today? a) A telephone number  b) Product designs  c) Sample photos  d) Parking regulations 58) 98. Look at the graphic. Which department is the speaker from? a) Marketing  b) Sales  c) Customer service  d) Human resources 59) 99. According to the speaker, what will the listeners be able to do? a) Make suggestions  b) Introduce themselves  c) Complete surveys  d) Ask questions 60) 100. What will happen at the end of the workshop? a) An activity will be done.  b) A form will be passed out.  c) A video will be played.  d) A guideline will be discussed.





