Where are some places you’ve been on vacation?, What are some strange types of food you’ve eaten?, What different countries have you traveled to?, What’s something you’ve done that you’re very proud of?, What’s something you’ve started but haven’t finished yet?, What are you going to do after class?, What are you going to do this weekend?, Where are you going to eat dinner tonight?, What are you going to use English for in the future?, How much water do you drink in a day?, What kinds of food do you eat regularly?, What did you order last time you went to a restaurant?, What are some of your favorite types of vegetables?, What are some unhealthy foods that you love?, What did you do yesterday?, What did you do last weekend?, What did you do this morning?, What do you eat or drink when it is really hot outside?, Where do you usually eat lunch?, What do you do if you are bored?, What app do you use the most?, Who is your best friend? Why are they your best friend?, What will your life be like in 5 years?, Which is a better place to have a vacation, mountains or a beach? Why?, Tell me how to make some kind of delicious food..

Final exam elementary





