Taylor Swift (intruments) - Banjo, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, ABBA (instruments) - Synth, keyboards, drums, Paramore - Ussualy uses a lot of instruments, Bob Marley  (instruments) - Bango drums, Keyboards, Electric guitar, Michael Jackson - Usually appeals to wide audiences at their release., Marcia Griffiths - Originated in Jamaica, Sofia Gubaidulina - Orchestral works, choral music, song, operas, ballets and symphonies., Lady Gaga (instruments) - Drums (or drums machine), bass, Beethoven - Uses a lot of string intrusments, trumpets, pianos, Foo Fighters (instruments) - Drums, guitar, bass, Johnny Cash - North American style of music, Bee Gees - Short for “...” (name of the dance-theme nightclubs of the 60'), Anita Tijoux - Originated in the Bronx, Eminem (instruments) - Drums machine, keyboard, piano, Daddy Yankee (instruments) - Bass Synth, Cuatros, Samplers, Becky G - Combines hip-hop and usualy is in spanish,




