Name a person in your family. What do you like about them?, What is your favorite animal and why do you like it?, Name a book you are thankful for., Share about a moment when someone helped you., Who is a friend you are thankful for? Why?, Share one of your favorite memories., Name a holiday you are thankful for and say why., When was a time you showed appreciation to a friend or family member?, Name an ability of yours you are thankful for and mention why., Share something about the fall you like., What is some good advice you have received? , What is a way you show appreciation at school?, What is a way you could be better about expressing gratitude?, What is a food you are thankful for?, Share something that makes you happy., What is your favorite sport?, Talk about a memory you are happy to have., Are you comfortable telling people you appreciate them? Why or why not?, How did you help someone in the past week?, Talk about something at school you are thankful for., What is something kind someone has done for you today?, How does it feel when someone expresses gratitude for something you've done?.

Gratitude Wheel




