1) If you're always cutting corners you'll make mistakes sooner or later (to cut corners) a) to do the wrong work b) to do the work fast c) to do the work untidily 2) Using Power Point is not rocket science! a) easy b) fast c) difficult 3) Put that report on the back burner and focus on the new business. (to put something in the back burner) a) Leave it for later b) Do it right now c) Do it again 4) The client didn't like our proposal? Ok, back to square one. a) Back to work b) Back to the starting point c) We need a new client 5) Come on, think outside the box! a) Think again b) Think beyond your current ideas c) Ask other people's opinions 6) That’s what I was thinking — you hit the nail on the head! a) to find exactly the right answer b) To copy other people's ideas c) To have new ideas 7) Stop talking about irrelevant statistics and cut to the chase. a) to start work immediately b) to leave the office right away c) to get to the point without wasting time 8) I have a lot on my plate since my supervisor quit last week. a) to have a lot of work b) to have little work c) to have unfinished work

Work idioms




