1) its moving to you!! What will you do? a) jump b) <—❌ c) hmm d) just dont 2) what is this a) sky b) road c) dont know 3) dont look! a) dont look b) hahaha c) just look 4) he is a) bing b) robot c) AI 5) 2+2 a) 2 b) 2. c) 3-1 +1 d) hmmm 6) this is a) sus b) among us c) stickman 7) shi is meaning a) i dont know b) astrounot c) stone 8) if he are astrounot he are a) b) c) 9) support? a) israel b) palestine c) Not of two 10) best game? a) roblox b) castle c) nameless cat 11) if yesterday sunday? Tomorrow is? a) thursday b) monday c) tuesday 12) this is:) a) kahoot b) word wall c) quizziz 13) last is a) infinite b) 15 c) absoulte infinite 14) 1+1 a) 2 b) =2 c) 3-1 15) focus aaaaaaaa a) aaaaaaa b) aaaaaaaa c) aaadaaaa




