Network - Encryption 1 - Encryption attempts to avoid "The Man In The Middle" problem, when transmitting important messages. Explain this concept., Networks Transmission 1 - Asynchronous Data Transmission is different from Synchronous. What is the difference, and which do you think is better?, Network - Encryption 2 - Encryption plays a large part in modern computing. Explain the concept of encryption, perhaps using the Caesar Cipher (or similar substitution cipher) as a worked example., Storage - In a discussion on Cloud Storage in a nearby cafe, you decide to show off by listing LOADS of different types of storage devices, and what Cloud Storage actually is. GO FOR IT!!!, Keeping data safe - Explain what Backup, Restore, and Archive all mean, and why they are important, Networking 1 - Explain what we mean by computer networks, including examples of different TOPOLOGIES, Networks - Packets 1 - Explain the principle - advanages - of a computer breaking down large pieces of data into smaller PACKETS. , Networks - problems 1 - Explain to the class the essential differences of Wireless versus Wired network communication. Try to include 'Data Collision' in your answer. , Client Server 1 - A friend of yours (pretend that you have one!) says that a server isn't a strict requirement in a computer network. Are they right? ...explain your answer either way., Network Hardware 1 - Explain FOUR pieces of technology required for a computer network in a small accountancy business that employs 6 people, Networks - problems 2 - "The very first time that two computers were connected together, it created a huge problam that still hasn't been solved today". Explain this quotation in terms of problems in communication., Networks - Packets 2 - State FOUR things that would be in each data packet when using the internet, Client Server 2 - Explain with examples how modern networking is thriving in networks that don't require a Server, Protocols 1 - Someone bet you that you coulsdn't name six protocols in modern networking. Prove them wrong., Protocols 2 - DHCP is an important protocol in networking. What is it?, Protocols 3 - IMAP and POP are bopth important protocols. Get them right when you explain each of them!, Protocols 4 - Explain what the Protocol Stack is, and why it is needed in each packet, Network Hardware 2 - Explain the role of the piece of hardware called the GATEWAY. What does it do?, Network Hardware 3 - Explain some of the problems with rolling out Fibre Optic cabling 100%, Networks - Transmission 2 - Explain with examples, how each packet or frame is checvked for accuracy by the receiver, Networks Transmission 3 - Explain the key differences between UDP and it's main alternative,





