TO: get married ... Martin, belong ... Jana, listen ... the teacher, look forward ... our trip, say something ... them, talk ... our kids, write a message ... my boyfriend, FOR: ask ... a favour, apply ... a job, look ... my keys (search), pay ... the dinner, wait ... the results, AT: arrive ... a place or event, look ... the sky / you, laugh ... the joke / my friend, shout ... my son, smile ... my son, IN: arrive ... a town, city, country, ..., believe ... God, invest ... the future, succeed ... the race / ... finishing school, ON: depend ... the situation, insist ... this solution, spend money ... clothes, OF: remind ... my dad / my childhood, think ... her girlfriend / going to the party, WITH: argue ... my parents, agree ... my parents, compare my life ... your life, spend time ... my friends, stay ... you, ABOUT: argue ... important things, complain ... the service, dream ... flying (sleeping), talk ... the movie, think ... my future,




