1) 1 To play in the school orchestra, you have to have ... a) an audition b) an autograph c) an album 2) Can you sing and play the guitar? We need you to ..... our band! a) sign b) join c) practise 3) A .... took his phone while he was shopping. a) footprints b) witness c) thief 4) The... happened last Tuesday. a) thieves b) criminal c) robbery 5) This singer is not very pretty, but she is... a) a style b) b stylish c) good looks 6) She plays the... in the evening. a) classical b) techno c) cello 7) What ... to do next weekend? a) you are going b) you going c) are you going 8) It's time to go home. Mum will.... worried. a) be b) being c) to be 9) We ... undestand this film. It's in German! a) no going b) won't c) aren't d) want 10) The guitarist .... gave the concert on TV last night is amazing. a) who b) which c) where 11) The house ... I lived as a child is in London. a) who b) which c) where 12) The dog .... won the talent show was called Max. a) who b) which c) where 13) I'm really .... forward to my holiday. a) waiting b) looking c) hoping 14) Are you going to a music camp? That sound ... fun! a) like b) as c) how 15) What are you ... to at the weekend? a) down b) up c) through 16) Dear Mr Smith, a) Love b) Your faithfully c) Yours sincerely 17) I would be grateful to ... more about a) found up b) find c) find out 18) Ideas ... in her head a) inspire b) appear c) go 19) She has a special .... Her skipping rope a) Influence b) Inspiration c) performance 20) I can't ... to see you tomorrow. a) come b) way c) wait




