memorialize - preserve the memory of, memorandum - "memo"; an informal record or communication; a brief written reminder, memoir - a story of a personal experience , memorabilia - things worth remembering; things valued or collected for their relation to a particular field or interest , commemorate - to call remembrance; to mark by ceremony; to be a memorial of, memento - something that serves to warn or remind, memorable - worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual , memorial - something, especially a structure, established to remind people of a person or event, geology - a science that deals with the history of the earth and its life especially as recorded in rocks, climatology - a science that deals with weather conditions, theology - the study of religion; a set of religious beliefs, anthropology - the science of human beings and especially of their physical characteristics, their origin, their environment and social relations, and their culture, biology - a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and life processes, physiology - a branch of biology dealing with the processes and activities by which life is carried on and which are special features of the functioning of living things, tissues, and cells, science - knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method, conscientious - used to describe a person who is wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly, conscious - aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake, unconscionable - not being in agreement with what is right or just, subconscious - concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings, omniscient - knowing everything, prescient - having or showing knowledge of events before they take place, conscience - an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior, nescience - lack of knowledge or awareness,




