Shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms., Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about everyday situations., Shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms, and attempts some complex grammatical forms., Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a range of familiar topics., Shows a good degree of control of a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms., Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a wide range of familiar topics., Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases, despite hesitation., Contributions are mostly relevant, despite some repetition., Uses basic cohesive devices., Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation., Contributions are relevant and there is very little repetition., Uses a range of cohesive devices., Produces extended stretches of language with very little hesitation., Contributions are relevant and there is a clear organisation of ideas., Uses a range of cohesive devices and discourse markers., Is mostly intelligible, and has some control of phonological features at both utterance and word levels, Is intelligible. Intonation is generally appropriate. , Sentence and word stress is generally accurately placed., Individual sounds are generally articulated clearly., Is Intelligible. Intonation is appropriate. , Sentence and word stress is accurately placed., Individual sounds are articulated clearly., Initiates and responds appropriately. Keeps the interaction going with very little prompting and support., Initiates and responds appropriately. Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates towards an outcome with very little support., Initiates and responds appropriately, linking contributions to those of other speakers. Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates towards an outcome..




