POSITIVE: Opinion ___. Cromwell was a brilliant soldier and respected politician., Opinion ___. Cromwell promoted people based on their abilities and not their wealth., Opinion ___. Cromwell helped improve the army. This made the country safer and stronger., Opinion ___. Cromwell was a powerful politician. He ended conflict with Holland and Portugal, allied with France against Spain and was able to capture territories in the West Indies., Opinion ___. Cromwell allowed Jews back into England after 100s of years. He let them worship how he wanted to., NEGATIVE: Cromwell enjoyed playing music, hunting and sports. At his daughter's wedding their was dancing and music., Opinion ___. During Cromwell's reign he banned sports, entertainment, gambling and music. Boy's couldn't play football on Sundays or they were whipped., Opinion ___. In Ireland Cromwell's army slaughtered thousands of Irish people and sent many thousands more to be slaves in the West Indies; because they were Catholics., Opinion ___. Cromwell put his personal enemies in prison and acted against Parliament., Opinion ___. Cromwell was against the ideas of allowing ordinary people to vote., Opinion ___.Cromwell ruled on his own without Parliament from 1653-1658. He had unpopular and petty Major Generals setting taxes and laws. He was no different to a King., BOTH: Cromwell supported the execution of Charles I because the king couldn't be trusted and refused to work with Parliament., Opinion ___. Cromwell wanted Parliament to run the country but dismissed Parliament when they tried to change the way people worshipped (again).,

Oliver Cromwell: Hero or Villain?




