Zero conditional : General truths or consequences of a situation (use), if/when + present simple + present simple (form), When i'm in the city, i usually travel by tube , If i don't have fresh air, I feel tired , 1st conditional: Possible future situations, suggestions, advice, threats & promises (use), If/when + present simple + will/modals + infinitive (form), If she doesn't like the town, she'll move. , if you're in town tomorrow, you could come see me. , 2nd conditional: For unlikely/ unreal situations in the present/ future (use), If+ past simple + would/could/might + infinitive (form), If i had more money, I'd move to the country , If I were you, I'd avoid the toursit spots in the summer., Third Conditional : For regrets, criticisms, and unreal situations in the past. (use), if + past perfect + would/wouldn't + have + past participle (form), If they'd stayed in the countrym they'd have found work., If I'd studied harder, I'd have passed the exam. ,





