1) So tomorrow is the day I've decided ... my future. a) I'm going to start b) I'll start c) I'm starting 2) The first thing ... is to make a wish list of all the things I hope ... a) I'll do b) I'm doing c) I'm going to do d) I'll achieve e) I'm achieving f) I'm going to achieve 3) I need to try and imagine what ... in five years' time. a) I do b) I'll be doing c) I'm going to do 4) Then ... the rest of the morning looking at job websites. a) I'll be spending b) I'm going to spend c) I'll have spent 5) what kind of jobs are available. a) I see b) I'll see c) I'm going to see 6) Ideally, ... with my current employer but if I don't get promoted, I really hope ... another job within two years. a) I'll stay b) I'll be staying c) I'll have stayed d) I'll have found e) I'm finding f) I'll find

Future Gold Advanced 2015 (choose the odd one out!)




