LGBTQ+ ____ for, Lesbian, ____, Bisexual, ____ and Queer. The ____ sign stands for other ____, such as ____ or Asexual. LGBTQ+ History Month is an ____ month-long ____ of lesbian, gay, ____ and transgender ____, and the history of the ____ rights and ____ civil rights ____ LGBT History Month ____ role ____, builds ____, and represents a ____ rights ____ about the ____ of the LGBTQ+ community LGBT+ History Month was ____ in the ____ by Sue Sanders ____ Paul Patrick, then ____ of Schools ____ UK, and ____ took ____ in February 2005 LGBT+ History ____ is an ____ event in the ____ Kingdom taking ____ every February The Month is ____ as a means to ____ awareness of, and ____ prejudice ____ the LGBT ____ while celebrating its ____ and ____ and making it more ____. OUTing The ____ is an ____ festival of ____ history. It runs ____ February and ____ March. OUTing The Past was ____ celebrated in ____. The ____ started in ____ venues in ____: the LGBT ____

LGBTQ+History Missing words




