1) If you are green... a) you are vegetarian b) you are inexperienced c) you are in a difficult situation 2) If you have a quid... a) you have money b) you have a shelter c) you have food 3) A clean sheet is when ... a) you make a new start b) you walk out of a situation with no problems c) you have no previous experience 4) Something is negotiable when... a) it is being discussed in order to reach an agreement b) it is suggested as an offer c) it is extremely easy 5) When one perishes... a) they crouch on the ground b) they eat quickly c) they die 6) When one squats... a) they die b) they eat quickly c) they crouch on the ground 7) when one scoffs... a) they eat very quickly b) they die c) they crouch on the ground 8) grub is... a) something that you eat b) money c) a fresh and new start 9) When you tough it out it means that... a) you can bear with difficulties b) a situation is getting worse c) you are inexperienced and need more challenges 10) a daft person is... a) an inexperienced person b) a morally bad person c) a stupid person 11) hook, line and sinker is an expression that means... a) homosexual (slang) b) completely c) extremely wet 12) rebuff means ... a) experience b) refusal c) unpleasant noise




