租 - To rent, 公寓 - Apartment, flat, 房東 - Landlord, 出來 - To come out, 陪 - To accompany, 層 - Floor, layer, 出租 - For rent, 上去 - Go up, 臥室 - Bedroom, 書桌 - Desk, 衣櫃 - Closet, wardrobe, 掛 - To hang up, 冰箱 - refrigerator, 洗衣機 - Washing machine, 那邊 - There, 看起來 - To look…, 便利商店 - Convenience store, 替 - For, substitute, 裝 - To install, to pack in a bag, 費用 - Cost, fee, charge, 聽起來 - To sound, 房租 - Rent , 包括 - Include, 水費 - Water fee, 電費 - Electricity fee, 押金 - Deposit, 討論 - To discuss, 一會兒 - A while, a moment, 這邊 - Here, 獎學金 - Scholarship, 剩 - To remain, to be left, 滿意 - Satisfied , 留學生 - International student, 留學 - To study abroad, 好幾 - Several, quite a few, 願意 - willing to, 簽約 - To sign a lease/contract, 過來 - To come over, 護照 - Passport, 鑰匙 - Key, 搬 - To move,

TOCFL A2 Chapter 3.1 Hanzi - Meaning





