1) In the realm of literature, what lesser-known work or author do you consider a hidden gem? 2) If you could engage in a conversation with any historical figure, dead or alive, who would it be and why? 3) What intricacies of a foreign culture fascinate you the most, and why? 4) Can you articulate the impact of technology on society, both positive and negative, from your perspective? 5) Share an instance when you had to navigate a complex ethical dilemma and how you approached it. 6) Describe a project or initiative you led that required a high level of innovation and critical thinking. 7) In your opinion, what is the most pressing global issue, and how do you think it should be addressed? 8) Reflect on a piece of classical music, literature, or art that profoundly resonates with you and explain its significance. 9) If you were to teach a masterclass in a subject of your choice, what would it be and why? 10) Discuss a recent breakthrough in science or technology that captured your attention and its potential implications. 11) Can you share a transformative travel experience that altered your perspective on life? 12) Reflect on the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships and communication skills. 13) What is your stance on the role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of work and society? 14) In your opinion, what is the most underrated skill in today's professional landscape? 15) Share a personal experience where you had to navigate a cross-cultural communication challenge. 16) Discuss the concept of happiness and how you define and pursue it in your own life. 17) Reflect on a time when you had to lead a team through a challenging situation, and what you learned from the experience. 18) If you were to write a book, what genre or theme would you choose, and what would the title be? 19) Describe an unconventional or out-of-the-box solution you proposed that turned out to be successful. 20) In your view, what role does empathy play in effective leadership and decision-making? 21) What is your perspective on the balance between individual privacy and national security in the digital age? 22) Discuss a contemporary philosophical or ethical dilemma that you find intellectually stimulating. 23) Reflect on a moment when you faced failure or setback and how it contributed to your personal growth. 24) If you could have dinner with a group of renowned intellectuals, who would be on your guest list, and what topics would you discuss?

C2 - Ice-breakers (Adults)




