1) Olen katsonut kaikki James Bond filmit. a) I watched all the James Bond films. b) I did watch all the James Bond films c) I have watched all the James Bond films. 2) Kävitkö elokuvissa eilen? a) Have you gone to the cinema yesterday? b) Did you go to the cinema yesterday? c) Went you to the cinema yesterday? 3) Menetkö retkeilemään ensi kesänä? a) Will you go camping next summer? b) Do you go camping next summer? c) Did you go camping next summer? 4) Matkustaisitko ulkomaille, jos tulisin mukaasi? a) Would you travel abroad if I would come with you? b) Will you travel abroad if I come with you? c) Would you travel abroad if I came with you? 5) Jos saan kesätöitä, en ehdi matkustaa. a) If I get a summer job, I won't have time to travel. b) If I got a summer job, I wouldn't have time to travel. c) If I will get a summer job, I won't have time to travel. 6) Olin pelaamassa tietokonepelejä kun ystäväni tuli käymään. a) I was playing computer games when my friend came for a visit. b) I played computer games when my friend comes for a visit. c) I had been playing computer games when my friend came for a visit. 7) Olin juuri tullut kotiin kun puhelimeni soi. a) I just came home when my phone rang. b) I had just come home when my phone rang. c) I had just come home when my phone had rung. 8) Ostan uuden puhelimen ensi viikolla. a) I will buy an new phone next week. b) I will buy new phone next week. c) I will buy a new phone next week. 9) Mount Everest sijaitsee Himalajalla. a) Mount Everest is in Himalayas. b) The Mount Everest is in the Himalayas. c) Mount Everest is in the Himalayas.

Grammar revision (8th grade)




