Rocky objects revolving around the Sun - asteroid, Burning of a rocky object in Earth’s atmosphere - meteor, A pattern of stars that may represent a figure or object - constellation, An object that orbits a planet - satellite, Oval shape in which the planets orbit the Sun - ellipse, The process of carefully watching objects in space - observations, asteroid belt, A ball of hot gas, primarily hydrogen and helium that undergoes nuclear fusion, meteor shower, A loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the Sun - comet, geocentric, A model of the universe in which the Sun is at the center - heliocentric, Supported the geocentric model - Aristotle, Supported the heliocentric model - Copernicus, Hailey's comet can be seen - about 75 years, meteor nickname - shooting star, comet nickname - dirty snowball, causes a crater in Earth's surface - meteorite, Galileo - invented the telescope, An object that orbits a star and is rounded by its own gravity - planet,

Topic 3 Lesson 1 Review: Movement in Space




