Dear Mr Sanchez, I hope this email ____ ____ ____. My name is Albert Claude, and I’m with AutoMap. Having had the ____ to understand more ____ your company and the products you ____, I strongly ____ there is ____ for a ____ beneficial relationship between our company and yours. I ____ like to introduce you to Suzanne, international coordinator ____ AutoMap. AutoMap ____ in the installation of quality GPS devices in cars, and from our ____, there seems to be a ____ synergy with what your company offers. I’ve taken the ____ to ____ Suzanne in this email. I truly believe that a ____ between the two of you could uncover ____ where both ____ businesses can collaborate and thrive. Kindly let me know if you’re ____ to the idea, and I’d be happy to ____ a meeting or ____ between both parties. Thank you for your ____. I’m ____ for the potential ____ this introduction may foster. Best regards, Albert

Business Introduction (6)




