1) What inspired you to pursue a career in law or business? 2) Can you share a memorable moment from your legal or business career so far? 3) How do you stay updated on industry trends and changes in the law? 4) What aspect of your work in law or business do you find most challenging and rewarding? 5) Have you ever worked on a particularly interesting case or project? Can you tell us about it? 6) What are your favorite legal or business publications or websites for staying informed? 7) How do you maintain a work-life balance in a demanding profession? 8) What professional achievement are you most proud of? 9) If you could change one thing about the legal or business industry, what would it be? 10) Do you have any favorite quotes or mantras that inspire you in your professional life? 11) Can you share a valuable lesson you've learned in your career that you wish you knew earlier? 12) Are there any legal or business trends you are particularly excited or concerned about? 13) What skills or qualities do you think are most important for success in your field? 14) Have you ever faced an ethical dilemma in your career? How did you handle it? 15) How has technology impacted your work in law or business? 16) What legal or business topic do you find most fascinating to discuss or debate? 17) How do you approach continuous learning and professional development? 18) What advice would you give to someone starting their career in law or business? 19) Are there any legal or business challenges specific to your industry that you find intriguing? 20) Can you recommend a book or resource that has had a significant impact on your career?

Ice-breakers questions - Business (Lawyers) B2 level.




