1) Books ... made of paper. a) is b) are 2) Paper ... made from trees. a) is b) are 3) The website ... visited by thousands of people. a) is b) are 4) Lots of books ... sold each year. a) is b) are 5) Each book ... labeled to help people choose. a) is b) are 6) The books ... left in a public place. a) is b) are 7) Books are (write) by authors. a) write b) writes c) wrote d) writing e) written 8) The pictures and illustrations are (draw) by artists. a) draws b) drawn c) drawing d) drew e) drawed 9) A special programme is (use) to teach how to write stories. a) used b) uses c) using 10) Most books are (sell) by bookshops. a) selling b) sells c) sold 11) Lots of books are (buy) online through companies like Amazon. a) buyed b) buying c) buys d) bought 12) The website is (design) to advertise the new titles. a) designed b) designs c) designing 13) Books are (print) on paper. a) printed b) prints c) printing

Passive Voice - Simple Present




