a helmet  - It's a good idea to wear this on your head when you're cycling, shorts  - You put your legs in these in very hot weather , sunglasses - You can cover your eyes with them in sunny weather , gloves - We put these on our hands in cold weather , a coat - You wear this over clothes when you go outside, a ring - People can wear it on their finger, trainers - Lots of people put these on their feet before they do sports, a uniform - Some school children have to wear this when they go to school, a belt  - Some people wear this round the top of their trousers or skirt, suitcases - People carry things in these when they are travelling. Some have little wheels, a watch - When you want to know the time, look at this, a backpack - People can carry things on their back in this, an umbrella - When it rains, you can open this so you don't get wet, pockets - If you are wearing trousers, you can keep small things in these, a scarf  - People wear it around neck or head , a handbag - Women often carry this. They put things like pens and keys in it, necklace - Women wear it on their necks. , crown - The king can wear it on his head. It is made of gold., trousers - People wear them on their legs,

Clothes Flyers Unit 2




