1) I was ill ... I didn’t go to work. a) but b) so 2) You should get your license renewed at once ... pay a fine. a) or b) so 3) ... there is no demand for this type of book, I can not place an order. a) So b) As 4) My grandfather has never flown in an airplane; .... does he want to fly in one. a) either b) neither 5) I am very tired .... I have been working all day. a) because b) so 6) She not only gave us a fine dinner ... also drove us back home. a) and b) but 7) Cold .... it was, we went out. a) though b) eventhough 8) I am not angry. ... anything I feel a little surprised. a) Whether b) If 9) August 31st is a national holiday ... everybody dances in the streets. a) when b) but 10) We will get there .... you do a) as soon than b) as soon as 11) You may have soup, ... you may have salad. a) and b) or 12) Mrs. Nelson eats apples .... carrots every day. a) or b) and 13) I really want you to know your conjunctions, ... we are going to do this Quizziz! a) so b) but 14) Ryan forgot his backpack at school, ... he couldn’t do his homework. a) so b) and 15) I don't really like vegetables, .... I love fruits. a) if b) but

Review " Conjunction"




