1) Would you rather be stung by a jellyfish or a bee? 2) What is your favorite way to stay cool in the summer? 3) What song reminds you most of summer? 4) What is your favorite BBQ food? 5) Would you rather play frisbee or beach volleyball? 6) Describe your perfect 4th of July. 7) Would you rather sit by the pool or sunbathe at the beach? 8) What is your favorite summertime meal? 9) What is something you only do in the summer? 10) Would you rather paddleboard or kayak? 11) What was/is your favorite ice cream truck treat? 12) Would you rather have a water balloon fight or a squirt gun fight? 13) What is your favorite summertime memory? 14) If you could travel anywhere this summer, where would you go? 15) What is your favorite summer footwear - Flip flops, slides, or barefoot? 16) Would you rather go to a theme park or a water park? 17) What is your favorite summer activity? 18) Do you prefer a hammock in the shade or a beach towel in sun? 19) What is your favorite summertime mocktail/cocktail? 20) Which would you prefer, a DRIVE in movie or a DIVE in movie?




