Mr Fox, ____ and the little foxes have managed to ____ their way to Boggis's ____ House No.1, Bunce's giant ____, and Bean's ____ cellar. In each place, they have chosen the ____ chickens, fattest ducks and tastiest ____ to take back and prepare for an enormous ____. However, they were almost ____ when Mrs Bean sent her cook ____ down to the cellar to fetch up some cider for her ____ husband. A nasty ____ almost gave them away too, but ____ the animals didn't get caught, and managed to ____ with plenty of cider to ____ at their banquet. Finally, Mr Fox and the animals sit down to enjoy the most ____ dinner they've ever eaten, and Mr Fox gives a ____ to thank them all. He also proposes a rather wonderful ____ to the problem of not being able to leave the hole - and the animals are ____ forever! What a ____ fox he is!

Fantastic Mr Fox Final Chapters




