: Are young people generally more selfish than their parents or grandparents? Why or why not?, Should adults teach young people lessons, such as the dangers of alcohol and tobacco?, What’s a hobby that you don’t currently have that you’d love to learn? What’s holding you back?, Imagine you’re the teacher tomorrow at school. What are three things you’d teach that you think would help make school more useful for one’s future?, What advice would you give to new seventh-graders at Innovitaskolan?, Do you have any bad habits you wish you could break? What are they?, Is it socially acceptable to stand up against the norm, e.g. say no to drinking even if everybody else is doing it?, What’s had the greatest impact on your life, good or bad, and why?, Do you worry about your future? If so, what things worry you?, Do you have any regrets in life? Which ones?, What's one thing you wish older people understood better about being young today?, What product would you stockpile if you found out it wasn’t going to be sold anymore?, What's the most fun you've had with your friends lately, and what made it special?, How do you think social media affects the way we see ourselves and others?, Why do so many young people dream of becoming youtubers or influencers? Are these careers you could consider having yourself?, What's the weirdest trend you've seen among young people recently, and what do you think makes it catch on?, If you could travel back in time to your younger self, what advice would you give?, What's the best thing about having friends from different cultures or backgrounds?, If you could swap lives with a fictional character for a day, who would you choose and why?, What's the most inspiring thing you've seen a young person accomplish recently?,

Being young





