What three words best describe you?, Imagine you can be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?, You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with it?, What is the funniest thing that happened to you recently?, Imagine you can be any character in fiction, who would you be?, Imagine you can have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be and why?, What is your idea of perfect happiness?, What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?, Imagine you win $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?, What was the last gift you gave to someone?, Imagine you are a type of food, what type of food would you be?, Imagine Hollywood make a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?.

Warm-up: interesting questions




