1) What is happening at A a) Rate of Photosynthesis increasing b) Plant adjusting to the environment c) Nothing 2) What is happening at B a) Rate of photosynthesis has levelled of b) Nothing c) Rate of photosynthesis has reached its max 3) Suggest a reason the rate of photosynthesis may level off a) no more oxygen being made b) Plant has reached maximum rate of photosynthesis c) light saturated d) carbon dioxide saturated 4) Where in a cell does photosynthesis take place a) chloroplast b) mitochondrion c) cell wall d) nucleus 5) Which of the following are sources of atmospheric CO2 a) fossil fuels b) decomposition of plants and animals c) Respiration d) Combustion e) Live Green Plants 6) Tick which of the following methods could increase photosynthesis in a green house a) pumping in CO2 b) burning the plants c) higher wattage lightbulbs d) watering the plants




