1) She couldn't find anything to say when she saw the surprise party. a) AT A LOSS FOR WORDS b) BEYOND WORDS c) LOADED LANGUAGE 2) The sunset was so beautiful that it defied description. a) IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING b) BEYOND WORDS c) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE 3) Let me explain it to you clearly and simply. a) TALK IS CHEAP b) A MILE A MINUTE. c) IN PLAIN ENGLISH 4) It's obvious that honesty is important in a relationship. a) IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING b) WORDS FAILED ME c) THE MAGIC WORD 5) I couldn't understand anything when they started discussing advanced physics. a) TALK IS CHEAP b) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE c) ALL GREEK TO ME 6) The politician's speech was full of emotionally charged words meant to influence people. a) LOADED LANGUAGE b) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE c) SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE 7) We need to have a common understanding to work together effectively. a) ALL GREEK TO ME b) IN PLAIN ENGLISH c) SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE 8) Sarah was so excited about her trip that she spoke very quickly. a) WORDS FAILED ME b) A MILE A MINUTE c) TALK IS CHEAP 9) Don't just say you'll help others, take action - words alone are not enough. a) TALK IS CHEAP b) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE c) THE MAGIC WORD 10) Be careful what you say, there are children present. a) AT A LOSS FOR WORDS b) IN PLAIN ENGLISH c) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE 11) My mom always asked me to remember to say "please" when I wanted something. a) ALL GREEK TO ME. b) THE MAGIC WORD c) IN PLAIN ENGLISH 12) When I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time, I couldn't describe how I felt. a) WORDS FAILED ME b) AT A LOSS FOR WORDS c) IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING

B2/C1. Idiomatic Expressions: About Language




