1) I always feel nervous ... my exam results. a) with b) of c) about 2) My cousin is fond ... skiing and skating. a) with b) of c) about 3) We couldn't finish both projects because we ran ... of time. a) out b) off c) about 4) I don't want to deal ... this problem. a) at b) with c) about 5) Jane is usually jealous ... other people's success. a) of b) about c) on 6) I'm fed ... with all your promises!!! a) of b) on c) up 7) Molly is keen ... listening to classical music. a) of b) on c) about 8) My friend is crazy ... Tom Cruise. He's her favourite actor. a) of b) in c) about 9) Our coach isn't satisfied ... the results of the competition. a) with b) on c) about 10) Sam understood that he couldn't put ... his trip to the village. a) off b) away c) down 11) The choice of sightseeing depends ... what you are interested in. a) of b) at c) on 12) The children were excited ... their visit to the theme park. a) of b) about c) at 13) Little Danny was frightened ... the thunderstorm. a) of b) with c) at 14) Mum was so proud ... her son's achievements at school. a) of b) with c) at 15) The students felt bored ... the lecture, so they decided to go to the park. a) about b) with c) at 16) She was worried ... her son's decision to climb the mountains. a) of b) at c) about




