adult - a fully grown person , advertise - to tell the public about goods to make people buy them , artwork - objects produced by artists, celebrate - to do something special for an important event, holiday, etc. , chase - to follow and try to catch , competition - an event or contest in which people compete, completely - totally, fully, decorate - to make something look more beautiful by putting things on it, festival - a day or period of celebration, fireworks - a display of fireworks, gather - to come together to form a group, hold - to have a meeting, competition, conversation, etc., hometown - the city or town where you were born or grew up , last - to continue in time , live - given or made when people are watching, not pre-recorded, parade - a formal walk or march in public to celebrate something, pile - a mass of something that has been placed somewhere, sail - a large piece of cloth used to catch the wind on a ship or boat , shape - to make something into a particular shape, sled - a small vehicle used for sliding over snow,




