We could make the bottles out ____ plastic. The containers are extremely heavy, so we use forklift trucks to ____. We don't ____ anything – we have zero waste. We can ____ the amount of petrol we use by switching to hybrid cars. The recycled plastic is ____ new packaging. Once you've ____ to the waste reduction project, we'll email you the full details of how it works. ____ prepared the materials, we were ready to start work. First ____ all, you need to get government permission. The basic ____ for manufacturing DVDs is in this book. So, thank you for listening. If anyone has any questions, ____. Sorry, I can't hear you very well. ____? Let me ____ I've understood you correctly. Thank you for your question. That's an interesting ____, and I'll explain why we do it this way. I think there are ____ to your question. I'll answer both. OK, there are a few things I can say about that. ____, last year was a difficult year with challenging trading conditions. ____ that answer your question? At the end of the process, ____ is the chemical that is now ready to use. It's also ____ noting that we have facilities in Mexico and Vietnam. How we put a customer request into the system is a little complicated. ____, we save it on the computer and then send out a letter to the distributor. Hello, I ____ your name by a colleague. Lola ____ to the company dinner. When networking, try ____ by someone else. Harri ____ Kim at the party. The stereo in the lorry ____ by the driver. A flood ____ the factory.

BRB1, Unit 14 Test




