The bright student always had a bright smile that lit up the room. - Intelligent (e.g., "bright student") - Radiant/light (e.g., "bright smile"), Her plans for the evening were too vague, leaving everyone feeling a bit vague about the details. - Unclear/ambiguous (e.g., "vague plans") - Indistinct/lacking detail (e.g., "vague response"), The sharp knife made quick work of the vegetables, but the sharp turn caught him off guard. - Having a fine edge (e.g., "sharp knife") - Sudden/steep (e.g., "sharp turn"), The cold weather kept everyone indoors, but their cold response to the invitation was unexpected. - Low temperature (e.g., "cold weather") - Emotionally distant/aloof (e.g., "cold response"), His performance was brilliant, and he wore a brilliant outfit that drew attention. - Exceptional/very good (e.g., "brilliant performance") - Brightly colored or luminous (e.g., "brilliant outfit"), The light music set a light mood, perfect for a relaxing afternoon. - Not heavy or dense (e.g., "light music") - Brightness/illumination (e.g., "clear sky"), She took a bold step in her career, but her bold colors on the canvas were equally striking. - Daring or courageous (e.g., "bold step") - Bright and strong in color (e.g., "bold colors"), The fast runner finished the race quickly, but the fast car zoomed past everyone on the highway. - Quick in movement (e.g., "fast runner") - Moving quickly (e.g., "fast car"), The clear sky promised a beautiful day, yet the clear explanation made the topic easy to understand. - Unclouded or bright (e.g., "clear sky") - Easy to understand (e.g., "clear explanation"), Her warm demeanor made everyone feel welcome, just like the warm soup she served on a chilly day. - High temperature (e.g., "warm soup") - Friendly or affectionate (e.g., "warm demeanor"),

Words with different meanings: C1





