1) How many days are there in a week? a) 10 b) 5 c) 7 d) 15 2) What is your country name? a) Thiland b) Malaysia c) India d) Pakistan 3) Tick the vowels? a) b,d,f,k,l,h b) a,e,i,o,u c) m,n,o,q,r d) g,j,y,p,q,t 4) Who is our last PROPHET? a) Hazrat mosa b) Hazrat yusuf c) Hazrat Ibrahim d) Hazrat Muhammad SAW 5) How can we smell? a) Tongue b) Hand c) Nose d) Eyes 6) Which shape is round? a) Circle b) Square c) Triangle d) Rectangle 7) Which month come after March? a) May b) Jnue c) July d) April 8) What is the colour of sky? a) Brown b) Black c) Blue d) Peah 9) Fill the blank of strawber-y? a) a b) e c) i d) r 10) Sunnah of Friday? a) Fast walk b) Clean the body c) Wear socks d) Playing

general knowledge




