Mechanical Digestion - Type of digestion where food is physically broken down., Mouth - The place where digestion starts., Enzymes - The biological catalysts in digestion., Chemical digestion - Type of digestion where food is chemically broken down., Protein - A type of nutrient that can be tested for using the Biuret test., Carbohydrates - This nutrient can be found in high amounts in pasta, bread and rice., Benedicts - A food test that tests for sugar., Ricketts - A health condition caused by a lack of calcium in the diet., Stomach - An organ in the digestive system where food is physically churned and mixed with digestive juices and acid., Joules - This is the unit that energy is measured in., Scurvy - A health condition caused by the lack of vitamin C in the diet., Small Intestine - An organ in the digestive system where the nutrients are absorbed into the blood.,




