INTERNET - A global network connecting millions of computers for sharing information., WORLD WIDE WEB - A system of interconnected web pages on the internet that can be accessed using a web browser. It's a like a collection of digital documents linked together, making it easy to browse information., PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS - These tools are designed to improve productivity in tasks such as writing, calculating, and presenting information., EDUCATIONAL TOOLS - These are resources, often digital or physical, used to support teaching and learning. Examples include software like learning apps, interactive games, or traditional materials like textbooks and flashcards., MULTIMEDIA - The use of different types of content, such as text, images, audio, video, and animations, combined together in a single platform., FLIPPED CLASSROOM - Students watch a video on the basics of algebra as part of their homework. The next day in class, they work in groups to solve algebra problems with the teacher's help., WEB ACCESS - Students are given access to a school’s online portal to view assignments and resources. They use this platform to submit their work and communicate with teachers., DIGITAL LITERACY - A student uses various online tools, like search engines and educational websites, to research for a school project. They critically evaluate the information they find to ensure it's reliable before including it in their presentation., WEBQUEST - Students are given a list of websites to explore and find information about different animals. They use what they learn to create a short report about their favorite animal., BLOG - A student creates an online space to share tips on studying effectively for exams. Each week, they post advice on time management, organizing notes, and reducing stress, helping their classmates prepare better for tests.,

Basic Concepts of ICT




