I got a new job. - Well done!, I'm having a baby. - Congratulations! That's great news., We're going on holiday. - Have a great trip!, I hope the weather will be good this weekend. - So do I., My cat died. - I'm sorry to hear that., I've lost my mobile phone. - That's no good., Can you lend me your car? - No way!, I've got a really bad cold. - Get well soon!, May I join you? - Yes, please do!, I'm off to a party. - Enjoy yourself!, I'm afraid we can't make it to your party. - That's a shame., I can't stand rats. - Neither can I!, Is it OK if i have this apple? - Go ahead!, Can I have the salt? - Here you are!, Sorry i just spilled some water. - Never mind!, My grandfather passed away. - My heartfelt condolences!, I'm sick of being broke all the time. - I bet you are!, I won $1000 at the casino. - Lucky you!,

Common Expressions




