1) Adrenaline is synthesised and secreted by the? a) Adrenal glands b) Pancreas c) Hypothalamus d) Pituitary gland 2) Chemical messengers which are transported in blood that affect target organs are... a) Impulses b) Blood cells c) Urea d) Hormones 3) Insulin is produced by the .... a) Hypothalamus b) Liver c) Pancreas d) Heart 4) Which hormone is produced by the testes? a) Oestrogen b) Adrenaline c) FSH d) Testosterone 5) Term used for the maintenance of a constant internal environment? a) regulation system b) Negative feedback c) Homeostasis d) Involuntary system 6) A sugar transported in the blood is.... a) sucrose b) glucose c) fructose d) glycogen 7) Glucagon is a hormone secreted by which gland? a) Liver b) Stomach c) Kidneys d) Pancreas 8) Glucagon is secreted when blood sugar is.... a) High after exercise b) Low after exercise c) High after a carbohydrate meal d) Low after a carbohydrate meal 9) This hormone stimulates the liver to breakdown glycogen a) Insulin b) FSH c) Glucagon d) Testosterone 10) Diabetes Type I is caused by.... a) No production of insulin b) a resistance to insulin c) Too much insulin d) Wrong type of insulin production 11) Adrenalines effect on the heart is... a) Decreases heart rate b) Maintains heart rate c) Stabilises heart rate d) increase heart rate 12) Adrenaline also stimulates the liver to.... a) Breakdown glycogen to glucose b) Build up glucose to glycogen c) Breakdown glucose to glycogen d) Breakdown Glucagon to glucose 13) Two things which happen to skin to help it cool down are? a) Vasoconstriction and sweating b) Vasodilation and sweating c) Hairs standing up and sweating d) Hairs standing up and vasoconstriction 14) Shivering... a) Cools you down because you move less b) makes you put on more clothes c) Makes you sweat more d) Warms you up because of muscle movement 15) A gap between two neurones is called a a) Junction b) Synapse c) intersection d) hole 16) Which substance is released from a pre-synaptic neurone ? a) hormones b) glucose c) Neurotransmitter d) impulses 17) An effector is usually a.... a) motor neurone b) sensory neurone c) muscle d) relay neurone 18) The part of the eye which changes shape to focus on a near object is... a) Iris b) pupil c) cornea d) Lens 19) Focusing on near and far objects is called.... a) Conjunctivitis b) Pupil reflex c) Accommodation d) Wearing glasses 20) Change shape of the size of the pupil to limit the amount of light hitting the retina is called? a) Conjunctivitis b) Pupil reflex c) Accommodation d) Wearing glasses 21) In bright light, the pupil will a) Decrease in size to protect the retina b) Increase in size to let in more light c) Increase in size to focus d) Decrease in size to focus 22) In the dark, the pupil will a) Increase in size to let in more light b) Decrease in size to let in less light c) Increase insize to focus d) decrease in size to focus 23) In the dark, circular muscles of the Iris work antagonistically. Which is correct? a) Circular muscle contract and radial muscle relax b) Circular muscle relax and radial muscles contract c) They both flex d) Nothing happens 24) Which parts of the eye are involved in accommodation? a) Cornea and lens b) Pupil and iris c) Pupil and lens d) Lens and the ciliary muscles 25) What shape does the lens take to see a far away object? a) It does not change shape b) Elliptical c) Spherical d) Triangular 26) Receptor cells in the retina called Cones detect? a) Black and white in bright light b) Colour in dark light c) Colour in bright light d) Black and white in dim light 27) Part of the retina which can not detect any light is called the...? a) Fovea b) Blind spot c) Yellow spot d) Choriod 28) Light can not be detected in the blind spot because? a) Light does not reach the blind spot b) The person is blind c) There are too many rods d) There are no rod or cone 29) This is an example of which type of neurone? a) Sensory Neurone b) Relay Neurone c) Motor Neurone d) Cone cell 30) Which type of neurone is in the diagram? a) Sensory Neurone b) Relay Neurone c) Motor Neurone d) Cone Cell 31) Sensory neurones send impulses in which direction? a) Away from the spinal cord b) Towards the spinal cord c) In both directions d) towards to brain 32) Motor Neurones send impulses in which direction? a) Towards effectors b) Away from effectors c) From stimuli to the spinal cord d) In both directions 33) Drugs like heroin effect the nervous system by.. a) Interfere with the nucleus b) Acting like sugar molecules c) Mimicing Nerve impulses d) Mimicing neurotransmitters in the synapse 34) A reflex is .....? a) A voluntary response involving the brain b) An involuntary response involving the brain c) An involuntary response NOT involving the brain d) Both a voluntary and involuntary reaction

AAchilli Nervous system




