1) What is the prostate cancer a) common b) rare 2) Prostate cancer incidence rate a) one in eight men b) five in six men 3) Where is the prostate gland located in the body? a) Under the bladder b) Above the bladder c) Next to the bladder d) Out of body   4) What are the early symptoms of prostate cancer? a) Difficulty urinating  b) Pain during ejaculation c) Difficulty starting to urinate d) B and C are correct 5) How can prostate cancer be prevented or the risk of developing it be reduced? a) Follow a healthy diet b) Periodic inspection  c) Exercise regularly d) All of the above is true. 6) The race most affected by prostate cancer a) African man b) Asian c) American d) European 7) The most vulnerable group to prostate cancer a) Men over 50 b) Men under 50 8) Prostate cancer recovery rate in early stages a) High almost 100% b) Less than 50% c) More than 70% d) 80%

Prostate cancer




