1) Which is correct? a) He never eats vegetables b) Never he eats vegetables 2) Which is correct? a) I do not play usually ice hockey b) I do not usually play ice hockey 3) Which is correct? a) I sometimes listen to music b) I listen sometimes to music 4) Which is correct? a) He does not wear usually a jacket b) He does not usually wear a jacket 5) Which is correct? a) Nero and Arthur almost never goes to school b) Nero and Arthur almost never go to school 6) Which is correct? a) Do you often play the piano b) Do you play often the piano 7) Which is correct? a) He always wins when we play chess b) He wins always when we play chess 8) Which is correct? a) Do you take always the bus to school b) Do you always take the bus to school? 9) Which is correct? a) I rarely work on Monday b) I work rarely on Monday 10) Which is correct? a) I do not rarely go to school b) I do not usually go to school

Adverbs of Frequency




