the: with singular or plural nouns, countable or uncountable nouns, when the noun is mentioned for the second time, with words Cinema, Beach, Radio, seaside, weekend, world, sea, ground, with nouns which are unique The Earth, The Moon, names of rivers, seas, groups of island, states, musical instruments, dances, names of families, nationalities, ending in - sh, -ch, -ese, titles - The Queen, The Prince, the suparative degrees of adjectives, before the words - afternoon, morning, evening, a/an: after verbs TO BE, HAVE/HAS GOT, before a singular countable noun, if the adjective is followed by a noun, zero article: proper names, names of sport, games, days, months, holiday, colours, meals, languages, names of countries,lakes, cities, streets, parks, stations, mountains, before/after possesive adjectives, with words bed, church, college, hospital, prison, school, with words - home, mother , father if we speak about our parents, means of transport, illnesses,




