1) to take a turn for the better a) to improve in condition, especially quickly or suddenly. b) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep c) to be embarassed d) to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens e) the beginning of a new century f) a surprising or unexpected event 2) to have a nice turn of phrase a) a surprising or unexpected event b) to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens c) a way of saying or describing something d) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep e) to improve in condition, especially quickly or suddenly. f) to do something one after another 3) not to know which way to turn a) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep b) a surprising or unexpected event c) to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens d) to be embarassed e) to not know what to do or who to ask for help: f) to improve in condition, especially quickly or suddenly. 4) to turn as red as a beetroot a) the beginning of a new century b) to do something one after another c) a way of saying or describing something d) to be embarassed e) To improve in condition, especially quickly or suddenly. f) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep 5) the turn of the century a) a surprising or unexpected event b) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep c) the beginning of a new century d) a way of saying or describing something e) to do something one after another f) to not know what to do or who to ask for help: 6) not to turn a hair a) the beginning of a new century b) to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens c) to not know what to do or who to ask for help: d) a way of saying or describing something e) to be embarassed f) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep 7) to toss and turn a) a way of saying or describing something b) a surprising or unexpected event c) to do something one after another d) to improve in condition, especially quickly or suddenly. e) to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens f) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep 8) to take it in turns a) to improve in condition, especially quickly or suddenly. b) a surprising or unexpected event c) the beginning of a new century d) to do something one after another e) a way of saying or describing something f) to be embarassed 9) a turn-up for the books a) to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens b) to do something one after another c) to move around restlessly while sleeping or trying to sleep d) the beginning of a new century e) a surprising or unexpected event f) to not know what to do or who to ask for help:




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