ACCEPT: Of course!, Sure!, I'm really busy but I can't refuse., That sounds awesome!, Sounds great., Why not?, It's a good idea., Yes I would., Great! Thanks for inviting me., I can't miss it. It's great., REFUSE: I'm sorry I can't., I'm afraid I can't., I'd love to but I can't accept., No, thanks, Maybe later., It isn't a good idea., That sounds bad., Sound terrible., I'd like to but I have to look after my sister., That would be great but I'm busy., INVITE / MAKE A SUGGESTION: Let's have a slumber party!, Would you like to go to a book fair?, Fancy joining us?, How about eating out tonight?, What about going to a concert?, Shall we go to the cinema?, Why don't we visit our teachers?, Do you want some cookies?, What about a sci-fi movie?, Would you like to come over for dinner?,


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